You can adjust the changes you want to make on the Utena Business Information Centre website by clicking on the wheelchair on the left side of the slider. You can adjust the following features: font size, colour, page contrast, page content zoom in/out. To make other individual adjustments, follow the instructions at the bottom.

For people with visual impairments, two-key combinations of Control and +/- or Control and the mouse wheel up or down are used to increase or decrease the font size .

Most of the items on this website can be accessed using a two-key combination:

Alt (Shift + Alt in Mozilla Firefox) and the corresponding letter or number on the Windows platform,

Control and the corresponding letter or number on the Macintosh platform.

Some browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) require you to press Enter.

See below for a full list of hotkeys:

Press the SHIFT key five times: toggle key lock on and off
Hold down the SHIFT key for eight seconds: enables and disables key filtering
Hold down the NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds: switches the switching sound on and off
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: enables and disables mouse simulation on keyboard
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: switches contrast image on and off

Lithuanian voiceover ( 624.3 kb )

Other key combinations

Key combinationFunction to be performed
F1call up the directory.
F2rename the name of the selected directory or file.
F3opens the file search window on your desktop.
F5refresh the image (“refresh”).
F10opens the application menu.
Ctrl + Aall desktop objects are selected.
Alt + Enteropens the object properties panel.
Altunderlined letter from the menu – select a menu section.
Alt + F4Close the window.
Ctrl + Cthe selected objects are copied to the computer’s memory.
Ctrl + Vcopy objects are pasted into the selected location.
Deletedeletes the selected object.
Ctrl + Ddeletes the selected object.
Alt + Spaceopens a menu in the window.
Shift + F10opens a menu for the selected object.
Ctrl + Escthe Start menu is called up.
Alt + Tabchoose another window.
Ctrl + Zthe last action is cancelled.

On internal pages, use the Tab key to access different links.