Average monthly gross salary of employees working for VšĮ Utena Business Information Centre under employment contracts

 2023 m. Quarter II2023 m. Quarter III2023 m. Fourth quarter2024 m. 1st quarter2024 m. Quarter II2024 m. Quarter III
Specialists1650 Eur1757 EurEUR 2232EUR 17941897 Eur1922 Eur
*In accordance with the Government of the Republic of Lithuania 2003 18 April Point 22.3 of Chapter III, Section 22.3 of the ‘General requirements for the websites of State and municipal institutions and bodies’, approved by Resolution No 480, provides that the average monthly salary for the previous quarter of the current year of an employee who is the only person occupying the post in question shall be made available to the public with his/her consent.